How To Make Sh*t Happen

How To Make Sh*t Happen

"People who are professional complainers are giving up their personal power waiting on everyone else to change." - Me.

I have spent a lot my life complaining and stuck in victim mode.  I learned long ago that as long as everything was everyone else's fault, I didn't have to take much responsibility for anything.  Another way this has shown up in my life is through self-defeatist thoughts. "Well, I'm obviously not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, rich enough, do *fill in the blank*, so why try at all."

Complaining has always come naturally to me.  I was just born with the gift of never feeling satisfied and somehow knowing it was other people's fault.  Everyone else always had the power to make me miserable, but for some reason I didn't possess the power to make myself happy.  I've spent many hours crying and wishing things were different than they were, wishing I was somewhere else or even someone else. I've spent many valuable hours convincing others that there's something wrong "out there", but then I started to realize the truth...there was something wrong in here.

A couple of days ago I had an epiphany.  Ready for it?


Yep, that simple.  But oh, so complex. There are many layers to this epiphany and how it is connected to complaining.  Let me explain...

Someone out there once said, "If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got."

Humans can do ANYTHING.  We are equipped with an innate power to create our reality as well as our understanding of that reality.  All human beings posses a genetic genome. *A genome is an organisms's complete set of DNA, that is entirely and completely unique to that organism.* Because we are spiritual beings inhabiting human bodies and we have a genetic genome, we must also have a spiritual genome.  Since our connection to Spirit is infinite and within Spirit all things are possible, then our birthright is to be the creators of our own unique which ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.  Once we learn how to harness this innate power and use it to its fullest capacity, there is no-thing outside of ourself  that is responsible in any way for our experience.   

Now, I know this is loaded and debatable when we start talking about fate/things that are seemingly out of our control/why do bad things happen to good people/do we really have free will/etc....

But just for the moment, let's take all the woo out of it and just be scientific.  Science has proven that when a particle is observed, it's actions are affected by the observer.  All things are made up of vibrating particles, therefor wherever we put out attention (and what kind of attention) does indeed affect our reality.

If I wake up and immediately start complaining:  I didn't sleep well, I don't like the weather, I have so much to do today, my boyfriend didn't give me enough attention, etc... then I catch my reflection in the mirror while brushing my teeth and I find 10 things wrong with my face and body...then I start going down the rabbit hole of what a shit show our president has created, I have already started to create a very specific kind of reality for myself.

In my epiphany of I CAN DO ANYTHING, I realized that by being able to do anything, I can make my life hellish or I can make it more heavenly.  I AM THE ONLY ONE IN CONTROL OF ME AND MY DIRECT EXPERIENCES. 

So I can continue to bitch about all of the things that are wrong "out there", or I can consciously witch all things that are wrong in here.

"With great power comes great responsibility." - Voltaire 

We do posses great power and it is our responsibility to wield it to the best of our ability.
God/dess created us to be able to do great things in Their image.  Meaning, we are all little creator gods with the power to affect our outside by getting right on the inside.

SO, How To Make Sh*t Happen...

First, realize you have the power to make shit happen.


Third, make time to meditate, pray, exercise, do Magik, or whatever it is that sets you up for spiritual success.

Fourth, decide what it is you want to make happen.

Fifth, trust and believe in yourself to create what you desire.

Sixth, make moves

*And always ask for help if/when you need it.

Less Bitchin', More Witchin': A simple ritual to help you manifest your desires.

Materials:  Poster bored, scissors, glue, glitter, pictures representing desires, red (muladhara chakra), yellow (manipura chakra), and white (Spirit/Higher Self) candles, and a statue or figurine of your favorite manifesting Guides.  (I like a combination of Gannesha and Jesus Christ for manifestation.)

Directions:  Cut out pictures that represent your desires and glue them to the poster bored. Use the glitter to create magikal borders around each picture.  Place your finished vision bored on your altar. Place your figurine or statue on the picture of the thing you wish to focus on creating first. Light each of the 3 colored candles in order of red, yellow and white.

The Spell: "I AM the Master of my own reality.  I CAN DO ANYTHING.  I command my spiritual genome be awakened and activated. I whole heartedly believe by manifesting *fill in the blank, this new job, a raise, my new apartment, the book I'm writing, etc...* both myself and humanity as a whole will benefit.  I am no longer a slave to my complaining and instead agree to see myself as whole and holy, powerful and capable.  I am resourced and I have all I need to fulfill my purpose and reach my dreams in this lifetime.  I activate my muladhara chakra, from where I root and ground into this reality.  I activate my manipura chakra, from where I go forth into the world.  I activate my spiritual essence and ask my Higher Self to guide my actions within my creating.  AND SO IT IS. THANK YOU."   

Now go out and do something about it! 
Make 2019 be the year You Make Sh*t Happen!!  
I'll be right there with you!


Trendy Witch    

*If you want or need guidance on how to make some sh*t happen in your life, check out my website and contact me!


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