Show Me the Money

Show Me the Money

Money, along with sex and politics, is one of the most taboo things to discuss out in the open.  We get awkward, turn red, and start sweating.  There is so much mystery, curiosity, and shame around money.  It's this stuff that everyone needs to survive but no one really knows how it works, and no one talks about it.

Most of us grew up hearing things like, "Money doesn't grow on tress.", and, "What, do I look like I'm made out of money?".  And the funny thing is, actually, money does grow on trees (after working in the medical marijuana industry, I can honestly say that) and to a child, yes, you look like you're made out of money since you're the one who provides the sustenance. 

Money is like this magikal mystery substance from another planet and it seems like some people know what to do with it and others don't.  

I have always had a love-hate relationship with money. I'm sure you can relate.

Hate because, you know, money is the root of all evil.  The financial corruption that goes on in our world is completely mind blowing. And I'm sure we've all known that one rich person who is a complete and total a-hole. Seeing how money can make some people act and what some people will do for it is terrifying.  Knowing how awful big bank, big credit, big pharma, etc... are and the recognition and understanding that my money doesn't even really exist outside of some numbers in a computer that someone else out there has control over, all make it hard to think money can be a good thing. I hate money. 

Love because, well, money.

It's what I use to provide myself with shelter, food, clothes, etc... It's how I buy things that I need or want.  It's how I let others know they've done a good job. It's how I travel.  It's how I have this computer.  It's how I buy the homeless guy a hamburger.  Money talks, and it talks really smoothly. I love money. 

There were a few years where I refused to buy anything new unless it was absolutely necessary.  I dumpster dove, free-cycled, gathered hand-me ups, and at one point almost every single piece of furniture and all the appliances I had were scavenged off of curbs and/or given to me by friends.  There was something freeing about this life style that I really liked, but I also realized there was a breath of scarcity about it.  I was afraid of money. Spending it, making it, being a part of the "system", it all felt wrong.  And because of that, I barely ever had enough of it to pay my rent and bills.  I hated money.

Now though, besides the fact that most of my clothes come from thrift stores and I still score furniture off the curb, I live a different lifestyle.  I live in the East Bay of California where we have the highest rent of anywhere in the US.  I have really nice new kitchen appliances.  I own a fairly decent car. I treat myself to Peet's coffee a couple times a week.  To me, this is a rich life.  Sure, I am paycheck to paycheck, but I'm comfortable.  I am surrounded by the breath of abundance.  I believe I have enough money and I'm open to having even more. Actually, I invite more of it in! Maybe me then and me now aren't really that different but I choose to look at things differently.  I choose to love money.

Here is a simple money spell you can do to increase your amount of love funds!

You need a green box, a green candle, one of each dollar bill amount as far up as you can go (a 1$ bill, $5, $10, $20, etc...), a piece of paper and a green marker.

You can also add green and silver glitter, fresh sprigs of rosemary or pine, and anything else that makes you feel abundant and rich or represents these things.

On the piece of paper write a dollar amount you wish to have with the green marker (Be reasonable), then write three things you wish to do with that money (It helps if at least one of the three things is selfless) now fold the paper up, place it in the box with your dollar bills, rosemary, glitter, and other symbols of abundance, and seal the top.

Place the green candle in a candle holder on top of the box and light it.

Speak this word-spell,

"My life is abundant, my life is full
Out of the cosmos, this money I pull
I AM deserving, I AM good
I am thankful for both, my water and food

I give and receive, I receive and give
I love money, it helps me live
I offer my heart, my heart is pure
I receive this money, of that I am sure

Love can be money, money can be love
It is a blessing from Goddess, sent from above
I care about others, others care about me
Thank you, thank you, for all this money

I love money, my intentions are well
When I give to others, my heart does swell
I love money, I use it to thrive
I love money, I receive it times five

By the power of five, this magik be
I am provided for, I am wealthy
No hate - only love, please come to me
It is done - It is done, I love money"

Now place your money box somewhere safe and let the candle burn all the way down before opening it back up.  I'm not making promises or guarantees but hopefully you will receive an unexpected blessing of money in some amount in some way.


Trendy Witch 

Want to know more about your relationship with money?  Book an abundance reading with me at .


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