
Show Me the Money

Show Me the Money Money, along with sex and politics, is one of the most taboo things to discuss out in the open.  We get awkward, turn red, and start sweating.  There is so much mystery, curiosity, and shame around money.  It's this stuff that everyone needs to survive but no one really knows how it works, and no one talks about it. Most of us grew up hearing things like, "Money doesn't grow on tress.", and, "What, do I look like I'm made out of money?".  And the funny thing is, actually, money does grow on trees (after working in the medical marijuana industry, I can honestly say that) and to a child, yes, you look like you're made out of money since you're the one who provides the sustenance.  Money is like this magikal mystery substance from another planet and it seems like some people know what to do with it and others don't.   I have always had a love-hate relationship with money. I'm sure you can relate. Hate becau...

Let's Talk About Love

Let’s Talk about Love According to the Greeks, there are six types of love. Eros - Sexual Passion Philia - Deep Friendship Ludus - Playful Love Agape - Love for Everyone Pragma - Long Standing Love Philautia - Love of the Self Eros -   Named after the Greek god of fertility, this kind of love represents sexual passion and desire. But don’t be fooled by how good it sounds, this kind of love was actually feared by the Greeks and thought to be dangerous and cause “madness”.  They saw it as an irrational form of love that could possess and control you. Think, “falling madly in love” and/or making not so great decisions for one moment of gratified pleasure, which you will pay for later. Philia - The Greeks valued Philia far more than Eros.  Philia is the kind of love between deep and long-lasting friends.  It is about loyalty, sacrifice, and being vulnerable by sharing your emotions.  This kind of love can also be experien...

How To Make Sh*t Happen

How To Make Sh*t Happen "People who are professional complainers are giving up their personal power waiting on everyone else to change." - Me. I have spent a lot my life complaining and stuck in victim mode.  I learned long ago that as long as everything was everyone else's fault, I didn't have to take much responsibility for anything.  Another way this has shown up in my life is through self-defeatist thoughts. "Well, I'm obviously not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, rich enough, do *fill in the blank*, so why try at all." Complaining has always come naturally to me.  I was just born with the gift of never feeling satisfied and somehow knowing it was other people's fault.  Everyone else always had the power to make me miserable, but for some reason I didn't possess the power to make myself happy.  I've spent many hours crying and wishing things were different than they were, wishing I was somewhere else ...

Imbolc and Spring Cleaning

Imbolc and Spring Cleaning On the Witch's Calendar Imbolc falls between Yule (Winter Solstice) and Ostara (Spring Equinox).  Also known as St. Bridgid's Day, Candlemas, and Day of the Bride, Imbolc celebrates the beginning of Spring and the end of Winter.  The marriage of the Earth Goddess to the Sun God. In honor of the Celtic Goddess, Bridgid, who is Goddess of the Sacred Flame and the Holy Well, an Imbolc fire is lit on Bridgid's Eve (Jan 31) to symbolize the coming light of Spring. People also journey to holy wells and other healing waters to receive Bridgid's blessing and healing.   She is also Goddess of the hearth, home, and children.  Imbolc literally translates to mean "in the belly", referring to pregnancy.  We can think of the pregnancy of our animal friends at this time, the pregnancy of the Earth with budding plants, or the pregnancy of our own new ideas and projects.    A perpetual flame burns for Bridgid at Her ...

2019 ---- Giddy Up!

2019 ---- Giddy Up! All my life I have been more on the Magikal side.  Since the time I started seeing ghosts and communicating with sprits as a child, to my first tarot deck when I was a teen, until present time, I have been practicing Magik. I have often used this fact as a reason for why I've never been good at "muggle skills".  You know, the normal things one must do to decently get by in the world.  (If you saw dead people it might be hard for you to concentrate, too). Things like paying bills on time, budgeting, car registration, keeping a steady muggle job, office work of any kind, correspondence, etc... have always been challenging for me. Being totally transparent, there are other reasons for this as well.  I have struggled with pretty extreme anxiety and depression since I was a teenager, I had a few adverse childhood experiences (which does affect brain development), ...